Menna, the Studious Crow "roomsplit" variant Room split, 2 on each side One on each side has spread tele, and will drop a chariot Horistack Exas telegraphing N to S All that resolves, then a vertistack, then repeat Spreaders always plant out on their side Call high or low to start for where the horistack and chariots will be planted Alternate this to keep the previous chariots out of the way "spinner" variant One colour pairs, and spinner only Spreads planting chariot on 2 Opposite tele on 2, and colour pairs (tele diff) Repeat from spreads Teles should rotate one segment, then tele across mid Non-teles should initially stack with wrong colour (opposite partner) e.g. spin is CW and teleW, start N, rotate E, tele W ------------ Azel, the Whispering Crow "in out" variant 2 chained each direction each time. Each round will either be: - nothing: all stack - one pairstack: colours go right or down - two spread: spreaders go out "bullets" variant Bullets coming alternating E/W leaving safe rows 2 horichain, 2 vertichain, with colour pairs, one on each chain type Chains alternate direction each time, and are hori/vertispread on forming Everybody needs to move every time. 4 safe rows to dodge in. ------------ Saya, the Archon Crow #1 "teledyna" Two nested dynamos, and each gets a horicyan>vertipurp>horired tele Go to a corner of the big dynamo, so your cyan/purple teles are facing inwards After first 2 teles, end up in the big dynamo only, ready to tele across it Shortly after the big dyna explodes, red tele into the small dynamo #2 "telecross" Telegraph delayed pairs or spread All get longhoricyan->vertipurp>horired tele Combos: ENW, WNE, ESW, WSE 2 dynamos telegraph Inner dynamo will explode, and a + or X will telegraph All three teleports will resolve next You need to use the first (long) tele to dodge the oncoming dyna The +/X only becomes live after the second tele Then the dynamo and the pairs/spreads will resolve variant "spread X" Aim your horicyan to cross both legs of the X either S/N (so your vertipurp faces in) Then your vertipurp will just move you within the side you're in If your clock position is E/W, adjust E/W, tele across middle if neded If your clock position is N/S, adjust to tele across one leg of the X variant "pairs X" Aim your horicyan to cross both legs of the X either S/N (so your vertipurp faces in) Then your vertipurp will just move you within the side you're in Aim your horired to take you E/W (across mid if needed) based on colour prio variant "spread +" Aim your horicyan to take you to the mid Aim your remaining two so they take you diagnoally Use spread positions dictated by the tele, not assigned ones variant "pairs +" Aim your horicyan to take you to the mid Aim your remaining two so they take you to the W side Use pairs dicatated by vertiteles, not assigned ones #3 "multistack" Everyone has 3 stacks, boss has dyna Everyone has a verticyan>vertipurp>horired Pair up N/S so verticyan lands on the other group First two stacks will resolve, and everyone will be mid As the bullets move away, move to the side so the horired aims back to the middle #4 "columnswitch" 5 columns, exas telegraph N>S Everyone has tele horicyan>Npurp>horired Combos: ENlongW, longENW, WNlongE, longWNE Everyone has spread, and there will be a rounds of proteans Look at your short tele - aim this into far E/W column, and be spread vertically Spreads resolve, and proteans telegraph Horicyan resolves, everyone should be in a different columm Vertipurp resolves, tele across exas Proteans resolve naturally, with mid column people slightly more N Horireds resolve, get in dynamo #5 "tele against" Spinny +, and everyone has repeated short teles in a different direction Teleport against the spin #6 "crossover" Dynamos and chariots the whole time Alternating horit/vertistacks, and teleports Keep teleporting across the chariot #7 "multistack" (as before) ------------ Twili, the Valedictorian Crow #1 "spreads" Bunch of dynas/exas/etc Horistack, and one vertispread. Spreader E, rest W Vertistack and horispread. Move above the mid dynamo, and spreader S rest N Horistack and all spread Get low, with 2 in the middle, and one each side of the exa. Horichained in that location, into random colours (any combo) taken on prio Still horichained, two are vertispread, they go E/W, others mid #2 "tele across" Tele horiblue>horired, and either stack, or pair and 2 vertispread Get horiblue across the middle exa If stack, get horired into across exas to mid stack If pairs/spread, and if pairs start apart, spreaders go mid, and pairs get horired to mid If pairs/spread, and pairs start together, all start mid, except one spreader move to E/W edge nearest them e.g. if pairs are starting E, they will both have tele W. So pairs mid>W, spreader mid>E, spreader W>mid #3 "side to side" All get stacks of various times, and a big dynamo Various people get horicyan, horipurp, and horired, alternating directions Completely random. Could have none, could have all three Stack on E/W of dynamo, people without tele will have to move across #4 "chaindodger" Colour pairs in small rectangle horivertistack Pairs then vertichained While dodging exas, horispread>horistack>horispread>horistack #5 "opposites" Lots of telegraphing: *2 get exact same: red>stack>purp with tele Wpurp>Nred *2 get exaxt same: purp>stack>red with tele Epurp>Nred Stack mid - horipurp tele resolves to correct pairs Vertired tele across exas You have another set of teles, same as before Move across arena to get horired to middle for stack Vertired tele across exas You have another set of teles, same as before Stack mid - horipurp tele resolves to correct pairs Vertired tele across exas ------------ Twili, the Valedictorian Crow, Phased #1 "plants" Spread. Exas will telegraph falling. Numbers 1-4 will be assigned. Any combo, could get one number, could get many. Number will plant a chariot when it expires, in that order Alternate planting N/S #2 "chronostasis 1" 1: bigspreads 2: horistack 3: colours (any combo) Exas will fall and boss chariots Start in intercard clocks Dodge round the exas to side for colour prio Take the horistack low #3 "exadodge" Horistack and spread while exas falling Two safe columns, two vertically in each Move mid into vertistack behind exa, and take colours N/S by prio Simple horistack and dynamo mid #4 "chronostasis 2 - spinner" 1: spread and horistack 2: 1 tele1, 1 teleS 3: horistack and colour pairs (teles have different) Spinner appears vertically, will be hori when teles resolve The teleN needs to get S, and teleS to get N. A tele should call their colour and where they will end up. The no-teles need to then go N/S depending on this. Tele across the spinner, then get in pairs E/W of mid #5 "stack and spread" Baited exas falling Stack>spread *3 #6 "chronostasis 3 - intersecting" 1: hori/vertistack big dynamo, 1 person stack and bigspread, 1 person stack, 2 nothing 2: tele on bigspread (same dir as stack), tele opposite dir on rest 3: chariot, hori/vertistack (oppo to before), colours (any combo) Everyone position to get tele in to mid Tele will dodge into intersection of resolving dynamos Move into hori/vertistack by colour prio to dodge chariot #7 "exaspin" Exaflares falling, spinner, and 2 have horivertispread 2 rounds of exa drops/spreads #8 "chronostasis 4 - telemid" Each turn is some stacks, a hori/vertistack, and a tele in same alignment Anyone without tele should be mid, and tele should get tele to mid each time #9 "chronostasis 5 - enrage" Enrage